la hen
PREMIUM EVENTS - Coming soon - premium events - coming soon - premium events - coming soon
POV: You’re planning a hen do or bachelorette for your best friend, sister or maybe yourself.
She's left you in charge and you’re under pressure to perform.
You have a group of girls (and maybe boys) to organise, an itinerary to plan, money to collect and fun to create.
There is one difference though - your friend has requested a ‘classy’ event.
London 2023
While there is a time and a place for willy straws, ‘Bride to be’ sashes, embarrassing badges and shot glasses around necks, you may want to steer clear of these things for this particular group.
That is where La Hen can help. We specialise in refined, premium events and itineraries to steer you away from pink disposable plastic and towards lifelong memories of the hours spent with your favourite girls.
coming soon
past event clients
theo fennell